Start of the site- A repeated beginning
Here begins the start of my new website.
I am so incredibly thrilled to be starting this and sharing it with anyone willing to listen. I believe in creation. I believe in the power of storytelling, and the benefit of documenting life, and with this site, I will share all my creative efforts, as I take on new art mediums, and challenges, navigate a new city (Seattle, WA), and grow as an artist. At the current moment, I feel so amateur in my work to date. I am not quite sure when this feeling dissipates, maybe someone can enlighten me.
Primarily, I share for myself. for the process of learning which is trial and error, and through that process, I hope to inspire myself. To persevere in this journey that lasts a lifetime. This site serves as a record of the work I have done in my little life. I hope it serves a purpose, any at all.
In this space, dear viewer, you will understand the most that you possibly could about me, It’s true. If you feel any way towards my work, then I have succeeded. I appreciate your time, attention, and energy.
Thank you and enjoy.